2024 Annual Ski Swap
Saturday, November 9, 2024, from 9 am-12 pm
Sunapee Lodge, Mount Sunapee
Benefits our local junior ski programs
It is our favorite time of year when we gear up for winter and find fantastic ski and snowboard equipment deals at the Mount Sunapee Ski Swap, sponsored by the Mount Sunapee Area Ski Club!
Like last year, we have online registration, and you will log in to all your equipment before you go to the swap.
Please note that we cannot accept used helmets.
Here is the process and the dates to remember:
Sign up online
New users: https://www.mysalemanager.net/reg_start.aspx?partnercode=SUNP&type=new
Returning Users: https://www.mysalemanager.net/reg_start.aspx?partnercode=SUNP
If you forgot your consignor number or password, please click on the box that says - Forgot your consignor or password
1. Log in to your existing consignor account or create a new one. Please use your mailing address to ensure you receive your check for sold items.
2. List each item you want to sell, including the brand, model, and size in the description.
3. Price your items in whole dollars only, without including cents. Please price to sell.
4. We will not accept used helmets, so please do not register those items.
5. You don't need to print labels; we will take care of that when you check your items on 11/8.
6. Bring all your registered gear to Mount Sunapee on 11/8 between 12 pm and 6:30 pm for inspection and tagging.
7. If you have unsold items you want to keep, you can pick them up between 1 pm and 3 pm on 11/9.
8. Any items not picked up by 3 pm on 11/9 will be donated to the Mount Sunapee Area Ski Club.
9. Checks will be mailed the week following the sale.
10. Payment: You will receive 75% of the sale price, while the Mount Sunapee Area Ski Club will receive 25% of the sold items.
11. The Mount Sunapee Area Ski Club reserves the right to refuse any items deemed unsafe or dirty. Please ensure that any clothing items are clean before bringing them in.
Online registration is highly recommended. It ends on November 7th at 10 p.m. If you do not register online, the check-in process will take much longer.
​For more info, email info@sunapeeskiclub.com or message us on our Facebook site